
Animated image resizer

Simple and free tool to resize (scale) animated images online. Resize animated GIF, WebP, APNG, AVIF images without losing the animation and quality.

Animated GIF optimizer and compressor

Free online tool for optimizing animated GIF images to reduce file size. Compress GIFs with LZW compression, reduce colors or frame rate, remove duplicate ... Repair corrupted GIF file · JPG optimizer · PNG optimizer · WebP optimizer

Resize animated GIF

Our online GIF resizer is a tool that allows you to change the dimension of an animated GIF. Just upload an animation, alter the canvas size, then press the ...

Resize a GIF Animation

This online utility lets you resize animated GIF images. You can make the input animation smaller or larger and instantly download the new GIF.

GIF Resizer - Crop & Resize Animated GIF Online

Crop, resize, or edit an animated GIF online. Cut out GIF frames, adjust play speed, or fill the background with color. Optimize GIF for high-quality or ...

Resize GIF for Free & Online

評分 4.9 (1,248) · 免費 · 多媒體 Upload your files into Watermarkly's GIF resizer, enter new values and adjust the settings, then download your resized GIFs.

Resize GIF

The GIF resizer tool allows you to make an animated GIF larger or smaller by editing the width and/or height dimension values or by using a percentage value to ...

Resize multiple GIFs for free in seconds!

Resize GIF by defining new height and width pixels. Resize many GIF images at once online. Upload your file and transform it. Select images.

Resize GIF — Change GIF Size

評分 4.8 (6,466) With this free tool, you can resize a GIF for any platform or use case. Turn a GIF that's too big into something smaller, or crop the edges of a GIF.

Resize GIF Image Online For Free

Whether you're aiming to resize a GIF file, alter GIF size, or use our GIF resolution changer, our tool delivers a straightforward and user-friendly solution.


Simpleandfreetooltoresize(scale)animatedimagesonline.ResizeanimatedGIF,WebP,APNG,AVIFimageswithoutlosingtheanimationandquality.,FreeonlinetoolforoptimizinganimatedGIFimagestoreducefilesize.CompressGIFswithLZWcompression,reducecolorsorframerate,removeduplicate ...RepaircorruptedGIFfile·JPGoptimizer·PNGoptimizer·WebPoptimizer,OuronlineGIFresizerisatoolthatallowsyoutochangethedimensionofananimate...